Saturday, October 26, 2013

CRMS Functional Requirements

Login section

  • Existing users have to login into the system in order to use the service of crime records management system such as add records, search records, view records, and print records.
  • Users need to enter their ID and password.
  • If the user gives a wrong ID and password, the system will prompt an error message telling the user to re-enter their ID and password again.

Police Officer section

  • The officer can add new crime record to the system by pressing the SUBMIT button in the record form.
  • The text fields in the crime record form allow numeric, text and date.
  • For the numeric text field, it only allows the user to enter the number as the value into the system
  • For the “text” text field, it allows the user to input any values such as character, string, symbol, and number into the system.
  • For the “date” text field, the system will prompt out a calendar by pressing an icon in the end of the text field. The user can choose a date as the input into the system.
  • The officer can also search and view for a particular crime record. The search operation can be normal searching or advance searching.
  • For normal one, user must provide the report number so that the record can be traced. Then, user can choose either view or print the particular report.
  • For the advance one, user can choose to input any criteria that easily get the result. For example, the officer may need to search a crime related to goods stolen but he/she does not know the report number or name. Hence, he/she can choose the type of crime as the criteria and also the period of time in order to get the wanted result.

Logout section

  • Whenever the user press the logout button, the system will terminate the session and the users are not able to interact with system even they press the back button unless they login into the system again.    

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